Ko-Tai Penang

Adoi! rindunya kat u! (u ~ means blog i)

Hari ni baru ada masa nak tengok blog ni, rinduuuu...
seriously past 2 weeks memang sangat hectic, life pun macam kucar kacir sebab busy sangat (cheh! ayat x bleh blah)
4hb hari tu, im going to KL for the USM eduShowcase 2009, until 6th dec then sampai Penang on 7th then, on 8th evening datang balik KL for the exam on 9th morning, then lepas abis exam around 2pm balik semula Penang, ngam2 sampai Penang kul 7pm, rehat jap then kul 8pm went to USM for Ko-Tai Musical rehearsal until 11pm...damn tired! coz esoknya keja macam biasa.

and i terjatuh during rehearsal malam tu, lagilah bertambah sakit+penat. Actually, we rehearsing a plastic scene, and we have to do robotic dance, every movement must be sharp! and my buddy Fok Meng for that scene tertolak I kuat sangat, apa lagi I jatuh menggelongsor sebab lantai tempat I berlatih tu jenis kayu licin, kalau i x cepat-cepat break confirm i langgar plak musician yang ada kat my right side. So, my jeans koyak sebelah, lutut I 1 berdarah, lagi satu melecet and my face pun melecet sebelah kiri. Pagi bila pegi ofis semua orang tanya sape tumbuk i? hahaha...i cakap I tumbuk orang adalah...orang belum berani lagi tumbuk muka I ni...

last week, we busy rehearsing for press conference preview. The press conference is on yesterday,13th Dec and it awesome! everyone likes it and cant wait to see the whole performance. In this performance i got chance to learn poping dance, robotic dance and breakdance, and its really amazing! ~ thanks Aida Redza
I love this production, because of the process. This one is a scriptless theater, the director just give us time line and the scenario, actor & actress have to find our own words to say the line. in the other hand all the actor&actress have to do research by our own, to make sure that we understand the story and the character as well. same goes to the movement part, our chareographer give us the dance step, and we have to work by our own to put the element base on our character. its really challenging and really fun to work with!

who have time on this date, come & catch us in
KoTai Penang
27th Dec 2009 ~ first show 8.15pm , Second show 9.00pm
Venue : Armenian Street,Georgetown

2nd Jan 2010 ~first show 8.15pm , Second show 9.00pm
Venue : Fort Conwallis, Georgetown

3rd Jan 2010 ~ first show 8.15pm , Second show 9.00pm
Venue : Resevoir Garden, Ayer Itam

pic i memang takde dalam poster tu, sbb mase photo shoot i sakit teruk, memang tak boleh nak hadirkan diri! tapi apepun I tetap akan perform.

' For myself..I'm not local, i'm from Johor...happen to join Anak Anak Kota on 2006, and then join Ombak Ombak Art Studio since then, follow all their performance either i one of the actor or become the stage crew. I follow all three performance which is a trilogy of Penang history, Kisah Pulau Pinang followed Ronggeng Merdeka and now Ko-Tai Penang is such a wonderful time to experience, it makes me more understand about Penang history, i think i know more about Penang compare to penang local itself and because of this production I love Penang more & more'

cant wait to buy a news paper! a lot of photos and story waiting for us!
Love Story

B : syg tgh btpe?
S : tgk tv, ratna cancel..x jd jumpe :-(
B : ok, syg tgk tv dlu eh..

after 1 hour

B : syg, bleh keluar jap tak?
S : keluar mane?
B : keluar rumah la..
S : haaa?
rupe2nya the boyfriend drive all the way dari Taiping,sbb I always busy & he so understanding, dia sanggup dtg curi masa utk jmpe I. Malam tu jugak dia balik, sbb I ada press conference esknya. Dia kata x mau kacau I keja.B...you are sooo sweeeeet, luv u so much!


  1. sebenarnya dah lama nak gossip pasal hal ni......tapi takut nanti u kembang semangkuk pulak. Tapi tak pe lah......i cerita jugak sebelum gossip ni basi nanti dah tak best kan!!!
    Banner kat atas tu i tengok muka u macam Atilia la Argh!!!!!!!!! panas mak nyah!!!!!!! tambah pulak gambar profile u......lagi sebiji!!!!!!

  2. abg lat,
    hahaha...u ni buat gossip panas plak kat blog i,i mcm atilia ke?aduh! xtido mlm la i mlm ni..klu i bleh nyanyi mcm dia lg best!

    *nk kena blanje teh tarik safa ni..


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