
Photo taken by Farih - during a Cameron Trip

I had few things running on my mind now. Life will not getting easier when a lot of things need attention from your side either it can be in your plan or unplanned. Every people I believe not playing a single role in their life, you could be staff to your boss, you could be a mother to a children, you could be a daughter to the parents, you could be sister to your siblings, you also a citizen to a state & not least you also a slave to your creator ALLAH SWT.

I always have a thought that I didn’t share with others because not all our thought is acceptable & it might be cause of conflict. I am introvert in person but can be extrovert on the certain situation, can be mean & selfish at the same time but not all the time.

‘Isolate’ – first time I heard that word when I enter USM, studied in theater (acting & directing, note : it is not an easy course) this Isolate / Isolation (Pengasingan)- means as detached, separated. How we can isolate all the body part? Such as your head, chest, body & hip? It comes by practice & knows the steps you’ll get it & it not takes only a month to get you be a master, it took me a year to get used to it.

How this ‘isolate’ can relate to our life, just simple. I took the isolation exercise & adapt to my life, because I think it same goes to life, you had a work / daily job that you had to focus, your time with your friends, family, love ones, yourself & your creator. I believe you must not mix it but it can be align as one. Like our body, we have different part but are inside one body.

How this isolate help you in life? This isolation help you the think more rational, accept one thing & let go another thing, accepting what you have current & try to release another part of yours but in the same time you’ll get back as yours.

Have you experience isolation? Yes I had, on last week is the latest isolation, because my flu & cough still not recover yet. It is the best thing; isolate you from being with others. Isolate yourself from other people until you recover. Personally, I take it as therapy, being at home; do nothing other than watching TV & read a novel. Make myself a cup of coffee put the flavor as I want, eating cheese cake (as I didn’t eat it for nearly 4 months) is sound so comfort right? Not forget playing with my helicopter (is a gift from my bf – S107 model come with Gyro) & listen the water pour into my small aquarium (a small world for my 5 guppies fish) it’s really perfect day that I ever had.

During that time, I try to forget all the hard time that I been thru in past, trying to let go & accepting present of my life. It ‘does remind me when I trying to accept the differences between me & Farih also quit hard at first. But I try to compromise & not ask to much be a best way. Because it’s obviously that I am women & he is man, we are come from different world. To made a decision to accepting him in my life is like dilemma as well, with 5 years age difference, I just wonder how is his thinking, is it same or he will be so childish? All the questions in my head gone when he made a 1st move to meet up my family & introduce me to his family. He is the 1st man ever that I bring home.

Experience nearly 1 year to be his gf, best friend, enemy, competitor & lover it’s really made me grow up & have different thought of another world. Together with him sometimes makes me feel that isolate to another world.
All I wish both of us will happily ever after.

No matter what, isolate can be interpret & be practice another way in your life.


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