Feb Love Months

Lama betul tak update lepas peristiwa tergempar tu.
Haih....bila malas menguasai diri memang macam tu lah.
I baru je lepas recover demam, batuk & selesema. disebabkan terlalu panas, sampaikan I kena tonsillitis. Doktor kata sebab demam terlalu panas. Masa demam tu nasib baiklah I ada kat kampung the bf, lepas balik kerja hari rabu tu the bf berkeras ajak balik, I pulak berkeras tak nak ikut sebab rasa nak demam. Ingat nak rehat to avoid letih on the road. Sampai malam tu pun rasa dah lain macam. End up on thursday mase 1st CNY tu, I memang tak boleh bangun. Malu je pegi rumah orang terlantar je kat bilik. Tapi nak buat macamane, badan I memang panas sangat, bila malam pulak sejuk yang teramat. Kesian pulak kat the bf, Cu & opah yang risau & terkejar2 cari ubat untuk I.
On friday we head back to Penang, but my fever still not ok.
Klinik yang I selalu pegi tu pulak still tutup, another klinik pulak tukar tempat lain. Luckily got another klinik nearest dengan tempat the bf keja, so he drove me there & wait till doktor to settle check I.
kesian dia, disebabkan I dia lambat nearly 2 hours masuk keja.
I really appreciate it, abi...thanks :)
Anyone yang tak tau ape tu tonsil, bleh check dgn check Cik Wiki & Cik Google ye.
It happen when your body overheaty, your tonsil become sore & swollen. It cause of infection as well.
There is no way for recover for this tonsillitis, it just you need to maintain it not become sore or swollen. If it swollen, surely you hard to swollow the food even worst your own saliva. So drink mor water or just go for minor surgery to remove the Tonsil, like remove the apendics.
Like myself i ever had really high fever previously but never worst like this. hurm...it shows that Allah still remember me!


  1. owh.. sy tahu x2..` mmy cousin smpai kna operate tonsil kot.. pastu .. die klw mkn aiskrim dan bende sejuk.. mula2 ada rasa.. pastu tak rasa apa.. cm mkn ais.. hahaa.. die ckp laa.. :P

  2. i was thinking to operate klu mmg truk sgt la, but now getting better, doktor suh tgk kekerapan kena tu, because ada setengah org every month kena, ada yg 2 3 kali setahun...klu kerap sgt kena operate la...

  3. ALLAH never forget us, it is us who forget HIM!


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