Happy Weekend

Semua orang mesti seronok bile nak masuk hari jumaat kan?

kat ofis aku jadi satu trend which is everyone akan wish happy weekend, and send pic yang berkaitan dgn happy weekend :) refer to the pic above~

I plan nak masak untuk berbuka weekend ni, was thinking to cook Soto Ayam, sbb senang je nak masak semua tu, will cook more since the bf is available this weekend and send to few neighbors. I will make sure i buat x pedas as the bf x bleh makan pedas, nanti merah semua muka dia bila makan pedas..

Thanks to my sister Nadya Aini for sending me the bagedil recipe, tak lengkap la soto ayam kalau takde bagedil kan? later will update the photo k!

Then, this week nak shopping baju for interview. Kasut dah ada, btw da beli 3 months ago, masa sale ari tu. Was thinking to have green baju kurung, actually I got advise from Mr Roslee Mansur ~ Petronas Philharmonic Officer. He said I will look more confident with that color and will attract the panel, he said that based on my personality and aura. Thanks for his advise ;)

Wish Happy Weekend, have a great weekend and Happy Fasting Everyone!


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