Heavy Rain

The flip flop was given by kak Yus, the tasbih by Dr Kipli Rahman, The strawberry from Mr Daud ~ thanks to them
Photo By Mr Farih ~ My Sayang

There is nothing to write about, just think why people didnt turn on their cars light when is in heavy raining.

Dont he think that it might be cause an accident?

This morning, the boyfriend having morning assignment at Tg Bungah, so he not able to send me to my work place (since im working in Dell every morning the bf for sure send me tau...i did drive only if he got course or meeting in the morning ~ the rest he drove me :D) bila lagi nak manja and di manjakan kan? hahaha...

back to the issue, it was 8.20am and raining heavily, normally it will took 10 mins only from my apartment to reach my work place but for the special case like raining or accident it will took 1 hour to reach there ok...i drive as usual, but then im so pissed off because some of the car didnt bother to turn on his light, dah la kereta warne hitam ( i dont mind what color actually) just bengang and kesian to the drivers yang nak take over the line, they really cant see your car at the back!

Pity to those who ride the bike as well, because some of the car just simply pass them with high speed, so apa lagi tersimbah lah air kat jalan tu pada orang yang bawak motor. Kesian diorang baju basah.

people out there use your common sense la, it doesn't mean you can then you should do that.

For the drivers car with this plat number PHX 9908 and WDK 3311 ~ please la you are not the only one using the road!


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