Pengakuan Jujur

It been so long I didn’t fall sleep like last nite. It’s like a thousand times better than I had curry mee at OLDTOWN (this shop sell the best curry mee in town ~ I vote for them).

Yesterday, after back from school I drop by at Tesco Sg Dua, just because I want to buy Portuguese Egg Tart at King Confectionery (btw I fall in love with this Egg Tart since I’m 11 years old) What can I say is yummy!

After that I head to USM, meeting my client there, nothing much but something precious for me, just happen I close one case (that person apply for investment link, hopefully the transaction is success) ~ amin…

But most part yang paling I tak tahan is the guard who never speak to me (this guard always smile at me whenever he bump into me– what can I do just smiling back la kan…takkan nak sombong plak) but yesterday he so brave and find the way how to have long conversation with me. I’m late for my appointment la pak cik! Luckily another guard saw me and she told me that my client waiting me at meeting room already…fuh! What a relief, at last god sent someone to save me…but then after the appointment the guard still there, in front of main entrance. He smiles. Ni paling tak comel langsung ok. What I’m do just walk as fast as possible and smile at him and say byeee….ni mesti kes aku pakai short dress ari ni sbb tu dia berani nak tegur aku, nak tengok dekat2 la tu..cheh!

After that I head to School of Art, just drop by to meet Janet just wanted to check her schedule, because I have to prepare my master list for ‘Kongsi Gelap BattleFiled Game’ which is going to take part in Pesta Heritage Heboh Event on 5th Dec 2009. Then happen to meet Dr Kipli, he’s busy rehearsing with his student for new show at Gurney Hotel. Just give him an idea, a bit only la..dia lagi banyak idea dari aku, aku ni cuma bleh bagi idea kecil-kecilan je, besar-besaran tunggu aku complete Master and Phd ye…hahaha

Oh ya! Lupa nak citer pasal masa nak balik raya, ok citer ni dah nak basi aku ingat sampai ari ni, masa balik raya bln lps, on 18 sept…for sure I did check my car condition, I went to Perodua for service, bukan apa tak nak la Ms karlene sakit mase on the road. I really love her. Then after school I did took time off as well, sebab tak nak get caught on traffic jam. But mase kuar parking keta, I found out my front left tire totally flat. Oh no! What happen? I drove my car to the nearest tire center to fix it. Orang ramai gile kat bengkel masa tu, mesti lambat ni! But I ask the uncle politely to check for me, nasib baik uncle tu x byk songeh and check cepat Karlene aku tu. You know what? Nothing happen! my tire, tak pancit pun. Then why I got flat tire? Wondering me until today…then baru je nak jalan kat keta 3 biji tire jatuh hempap Karlene, oh no!!! aku nangis wei mase tu, sbb bayangkan Karlene kemek…tapi nasib baik takde ape2, just side mirror on my right yg patah. Hurmmm…nasib btul, uncle kedai tire tu terus suruh worker dia panggil org dr kedai aksesori keta dtg fix cepat2 untuk aku. Dalam kul 5 lbh macam tu baru aku gerak keluar dari island, dalam hati memang sangat2 x sedap sebab takut jadi ape2 kat jalan nanti. My mum called many time asking me dah dekat mane?. Tak berani nak citer sbb tak mau dia risau…hehehe, tu je sekian terima kasih.

Ok…continue citer pasal semalam, after meet Dr Kipli, terus balik rumah. Hujan lebat masa tu, and aku pun sangat2 kepenatan. Penat otak sebenarnya. Banyak benda tengah di fikir. Semalam sampai rumah, minum air… cuci muka...ingat nak tidur sekejap sebab letih sangat tapi….pengakuan ikhlas ni, dengan tak mandi, masih dengan dress hitam pink, aku ketiduran, sedar-sedar alarm bunyi kul 6 pagi…aku betul2 tido..seriously,11 hours!!! all the restless thing just disappear in my mind last night. Nasib baik because DUSTA rehearsal is cancel last night also. Kalau tak mase tu orang call or sms I won’t hear at all. My housemate pun hairan sebab tido awal sangat. Selalunya, kalau takde theater rehearsal I will fall sleep around 11pm and above. Maybe letih sangat sbb a few nights ago I fall sleep after 3am only, a lot of stuff struck into my head, and one of it is like thunder came straight, disappear and just leave me with the broken pieces of jigsaw which is I cant solve it until now…

*pengakuan jujur - Mr Fazil Chomel : saya sangat rindukan kamu,banyakkkkkkk sangat!


  1. jujur itu keperibadian,
    kejujuran itu pendirian,

    jujur pada diri selalu tersasar...

  2. paling susah sebenarnya mahu jujur dengan diri sendiri - EGO betul-betul bertahan dalam diri, jadi bodoh sebab EGO dengan diri sendiri...


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