
That photo taken by a 'bundle' of photographer on March 2007, seriously they are around us that time. they all about 5 to 7 photographer. they come and catch us early in the morning at Cathay Hotel. im using green kebaya and believe or not that kebaya is about 60 years old!

u guys see that cheongsam? d one that chinese girl wear? that cheongsam i wearing it today. *wink*

this photo taken 3 months before we start the production, and our dearly Janet warn me that i cant put weight until the last day of Ronggeng Merdeka show.

Actually why i feel like want to post this kind of entry is because im going to start new Musical Show with Ombak Ombak Art Studio ( previously produce Ronggeng Merdeka) on next Jan 2010 againnnn!!! Oh My! We Did It Again!

We going to start our rehearsal on Nov. That time i know that my life will be hectic and no time for me to have weekend holiday, no movie, no meat & no cold drink.
This time im still work with this 3 GREAT women.
AIDA REDZA - Amazing chreographer i work with ever
Prof TAN SOOI BENG - Fantastic composer (she's make a jazz song using gamelan instrumet)
HO SHEAU FUNG - Talented Director

in that production i got chance to act, dance and sing.

::Ronggeng Merdeka::

so you guys out there,stay tune to catch another awesome project from Ombak Ombak Art Studio

This month i'll be busy with Theater Dusta and Musical Theater Jom Makan rehearsal, both will take part Penang Show/Event on 6 Nov 2009.

My Drama Skill Workshop will continue this coming Nov as well, my former and new students, hope we going to have more fun and more work as well for our new piece 'Kongsi Gelap Battlefield Game' (my research almost done because this 4 students Vill, Yen Yen, Tara & Sylvia is helping me up ~ really really appreciate it)

p/s going to Hard Rock Penang this weekend! peeps...see u guys there!

~Till we meet again on next entry~


  1. kisah-kisah perjalanan hidup telah dicoretkan sebagai NOSTALGIA kisah-kisah kehidupan, seperkara yang pasti, kitalah yang mencorak- coretkan kisah-kisah kehidupan itu dan walau apa cara sekalipun NOSTALGIA akan kekal sebagai NOSTALGIA. Kitalah memilih NOSTALGIA itu yang diawali dengan permulaan perbuatan.

  2. NOSTALGIA tetap dalam ingatan sepanjang zaman kalaupun luput pastinya kerana 'nyanyuk'

  3. kurus kurus jugak.

    tapi perut dok macam tu jugak!

  4. PK

    wutever i just love my belly!

    p/s tunggu dlm bln ni msti da xde belly tu (huh! ayat semangat)


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