Its Rain and I love it!

Its raining outside. Still. 
I just love every drops purify the earth from the cloud.
I just love the smell and the coldness is really comfort me.
When the sun shine again, is like new hope of the new life.
Its like rise after fall
Its like new chapter has begun

.      .       .

On last 8th Sept,I happened to attend my friends wedding in Perak and end up knowing she's my fiancé relative. I was like speechless, dah la I knowing this girl because of my ex. Then end up she saudara with Farih. What a small world kan.   

Basically, bila I datang perak, it would be weekend trip. We will go on Saturday morning then balik Sunday evening. So attend the wedding first kt Sri Iskandar then baru singgah Kuala Kangsar.

So layankan few photo took during Perak getaway.

Puteri wedding at Sri Iskandar

Beautiful Princess

Ahad pagi Farih ada bbq dengan his friends kat waterfall, so I menyibuk je. Sebab I takde mood nak mandi  then I just took photo around the place with fiancé DSLR.

we just loved choco color recently, so alot of things is in choco color 

By right, after Sri Iskandar we should go to Kellie castle, but we all sesat, end up we go to padang polo, Ipoh. Farih serba salah gak sebab tak dapat bawa I pegi Kellie castle, its ok next time for another Perak getaway.


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