Belanjawan 2011

Salam Belanjawan…

Isu Belanjawan memang hangat diperkatakan sekarang ni, kalau terserempak dengan mana orang kat Malaysia ni semua memperkatakan isu yang sama, cuma kalau yang kurang baca paper atau jenis tak tengok berita, memang mereka tak akan cakap isu ni. Aku bukan cukup ilmu hendak bincangkan soal Belanjawan 2011, sebab aku bukan ilmuwan ekonomi, bukan juga kakitangan kerajaan yang elaunnya tak ditambah, bukan juga surirumah yang lakinya kerja kerajaan, tapi aku cuma rakyat Malaysia, yang lahirnya di Malaysia, belajar di Malaysia, tidur baring aku di Malaysia, kerja di Malaysia dan tidak terfikir lagi untuk berhijrah keluar dari Malaysia cuma tempat kerja aku kepunyaan Amerika!

Kalau aku komen tentang belanjawan yang dibentangkan oleh PM kita, nanti ada yang kata ‘engkau ni kaji sampai mana?’ ‘engkau tak bersyukur jadi rakyat Malaysia? Semua nak dapat, semua ada, senang! Tak mati kebulurun, ada rumah ada tempat tinggal’ ‘kerajaan bagi kau belajar university kerajaan’

Eh, eh…ada yang marah pulak, aku belum kata apa-apa lagi. Cepat melatah tu lah pe’el manusia sebahagiannya, tak kira bangsa atau ape pun. Aku melihat keseluruhan Belanjawan 2011 banyak menuju kearah dan mengheret Negara kita ke kancah perhutangan, jika Dana Negara yang sekarang ini hanya mampu RM165 Billion, sedangkan Belanjawan 2011 mensasarkan penggunaan RM213 Billion, mana wang baki itu akan kerajaan cari?

Peruntukan-peruntukan yang di wartakan oleh PM ada relevennya ada juga yang kurang relevennya. Tahukah kita kalau untuk menjadi Negara maju, perkara pertama yang harus dihapuskan oleh pemimpin adalah kemiskinan. Selagi tahap kemiskinan Negara masih lebih 30% kita masih belum mencapai tahap yang sepatutnya. This part some will say, blame yourself if you not rich or you are the beggar! Yes you are right, money not come from the sky, you need to struggle on yourself. But how this poverty happen, in some dictionary poverty happen because of wealthy people is exist - hahaha…its sound funny aite?

Let check out in this scenario

Calculate the monthly salary for the graduate, degree, executive live in KL, live in normal live no other side income (ni kalau ada yang pandai menjawab, ‘tu la, buat la bisnes online, tambah pendapatan, zaman sekarang kena buat 2 3 kerja barulah boleh hidup’…..hahaha)

Monthly income = RM2000 (assume, some might got lesser than that)

After EPF+SOCSO deduction the salary will be RM1750, then after that deduct the monthly paid, house rent (maybe room rent) RM250, then car (if got, might be kancil gift from parent, or buying 2nd hand car) RM300, petrol use for 1 month usage RM 250, phone bill roughly around RM50 or top up RM30 a month, don’t forget your PTPTN nanti tak boleh keluar Negara or takut tidur malam mimpi PTPTN -RM100, Cost makan sebulan RM10 X 30 hari = RM300, Tol RM2X2X22 = RM88 ( kalau pegi keja kemudian balik keja dan tak keluar di hujung minggu) then emergency money RM200 ( in case ape ape jadi in the middle of month) as life is unpredictable so what is the balance, saving lagi (patutnya saving tolak awal-awal masa dapat gaji.

This is normal scenario of student Degree grad at age 24 and salary RM2000 is consider lucky for a certain people who have no luck on job search they might be end up with Sales assistant or cashier in supermarket with the salary might be less or more around RM1200.

At 1st place, once graduate, most thing pop out in graduate ppl mind is, pay back PTPTN, might have a plan to get married, further study, have a car, have a house and tanggung parents, everything will looking back on the same thing and issue = MONEY.

For them to start life, if they want to made any personal loan, to start any business or any personal goal, they might be to pass thru all the term & condition, check on monthly salary whether pass or not, and the result might be can proceed or not.

to those who can't do personal loan might be do other way round, so its up to graduate to compare the decisions and start new life as real human likes your parents go thru before.

There is not much cost during our primary & secondary time as the fee still payable compared to other country, but towards to higher education, there is a lot of money needed on that time. We have PTPTN to support but then we still pay more as the interest is increase year by year, a lot of people refuse to pay because of that interest. As Malaysian people growing up I can see most of people aged 23 onwards is drown with debt. That’s why most people said that ‘ yang kaya semakin kaya, yang miskin bertambah miskin’

Compare Apple to Apple is simple words to express but is not simple thing do, every country have their own way to resolved their issue, dont compare our country to another country, their geography, their expenditure, their earning is just not same at all. Hasil bumi dan taraf hidup totally in different! some country who are the 'skulk' is getting paid! not like ours, other country their rental is per week not per month and some country they really proud when they have to pay the tax because they know what they are paying for. Like us is it we know the tax that we pay to who & why we have to pay the tax?

Maybe the transparency is needed. To me budget 2011, they should be give the attention to education part, to master students and more to research, as we know that negara kita sangat memerlukan penyelidik yang berbakat. Pengalaman aku semasa study, residence artist yg dtg bertandang datang dari negara lain, bila mahu buat meeting development masih juga dijemput warga negara lain untuk jadi pemerhati dan memberi buah fikiran, tetapi selepas pemerhati/residence artist pulang, wacana dari mereka satu pun tidak boleh pakai kerana mereka melihat dari sudut negara mereka bukan negara kita.

Dalam senarai budget itu aku agak tak faham dengan pembinaan 100 tingkat menara?ada sapa-sapa bleh explain?

I didn't blame PM for this Belanjawan 2011, some might be happy with it some might be not, most people have their reason why. Some people might be think is not reasonable, some thought it will brings more issue later.

To me, Malaysian just pray for our peace and let’s hope that our country become better and better.


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