Another Day

It just a week left my 3 months (hectic). I am terrifically missed those weekend that I have to 'cut' nicely and shared with Arts ED, Farih, friends, work and my personal time. There is fight, happy and the most is cancellation or changing the time to suit with my schedule. I know that I'm being so selfish during that 3 months. So sorry for being that!

You know that kind of feeling..when you really busy for quite sometimes and suddenly you have nothing to do. Weird kan? rasa pelik je. The most thing that I missed is all the good performance throughout the a month event.

I manage to catch Manganiyar Seduction on 8th July and it was superb shows from India.
That link is just 1 part of the shows. You may check it out more in YouTube.
GTWHI festival officially ended yesterday and I missed Tropfest which held at Penang Botanical Garden caused I have sudden visit by few frens from Taiping, so have to entertain them. Makan hati gak la tak dapat pegi tengok. I wish I can have it next year!

I got no self photo during the event, busy sangat-sangat, but there is some photo's taken by Marcus during the festival on 6th July.

Actually, hari ni cuti umum replacement for George Town Heritage Day. but, as usual I working today. Best sangat sebab jalan tak jam then parking kat ofis pun boleh demand. Kalau hari lain, memang tak boleh nak demand la, mana ada kosong, jauh macamane sekali pun, I got no choice. Parking je..

So there is new photos of mine on June & July during the Dell Retro Nite and SME meeting teman kan Encik Farih yang pemalu tu.

To Mr Farih,
Thank you for your understanding and love me as I am *_*

Lots of Love,


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