Ramblings of The Week

::senyum dalam stress::

What will you do, when you have to face unexpected?
Mad, Frustrated, Piss Off, Pleased or Just Stay Cool?

Actually last week isn't a good week for me, a lot of unexpected things happen.
But, I am lucky enough that I have family, friends around & lovely En Abi to help me out...

Ramblings #1
Morning - on Monday, my department have 2 peoples only working that day. After 1 is resign, 2 is moving to another department & 1 is MC.
I work like hell...

Rambling #2
Evening - on Monday, En Abi accident. He drove my car that day on the way to fetch me from work...I am sad, piss off & ......Thanks to Yani for drive me to clinic (I was nervous + my healthy screen shows not really good result)

Triple trouble....

Rambling #3
Morning - on Tuesday, sms from my colleague...2 of them is MC, 1 is migrain and another 1 his infection is comeback after the operation...work alone & I am go crazy.

Rambling #4
those 2 days is dragging me till Friday...but luckily weekend is arrive :)
hope that next week be a better week.

Rambling #5 - Puding Keramel Gula Hangus
Resepi dari my Cousin Zahirah Alias
boleh dapatkan resepi dari sana ye...

Kalau kita susah ada lagi orang yang susah, bersyukur dengan apa yang di beri oleh -Nya.


  1. betul3.kalau kita susah ade lagi yang lebih susah dari kita.
    tapi siannye kamu memang nampak muka keletihan+stress tu. tak pe. minggu depan mungkin Allah bagi pelangi pulak untuk kamu!!
    have a good rest ye!!


  2. thanks nyda...yeah, looking forward ~ pelangi :)


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