
This is my first time ever blogging using iPad & Samsung Galaxy Tab.

Nowadays a lot of gadget coming out in the market. Memang tak terkejar la dgn technology ni. Actually, IPad ni En Abi punya. I'm not into Apple...luckily im not crazy fan of Apple sbb I rase it's look simple but to me it's complicated, compare dgn Galaxy Tab as I call it her as 'tabby'. I just using both for 2 weeks...what I can say, iPad it's too big to carry compare dgn 'tabby' cuma 7 inch je & when u carry it's rase mcm digital diary je....
Application in iPad kebanyakan berbayar, kalau 'tabby' kebanyakan free...so,jimatlah nak download application & games.

iPad dont have camera, so if you nak upload photo u have to use URL, compare dgn 'tabby' ada kamera.
So, I prefer 'tabby', for my mobile internet, organizer, contacts, diary, keep photo, alarm, listen to music n you can using Think free office to keep your document.

Bila using this kind of gadget, kalau you tgh tunggu sape2 ke tak la bosan sangat, boleh main game or dgr music while waiting kan...at first time tu I bukan jenis orang yang gila gadget, even phone pun I tggu rosak teruk or hilang je baru I rasa nak ganti. But, I've been spoiled dgn En Abi semenjak dua menjak ni....phone BB tu baru brp bulan beli, now new gadget to play around.

Ape pun, En Abi...I suka 'tabby' compare dgn iPad, thanks tau bagi experience both tablets...sorry sebab marah you, masa you mula2 bagi tu I rase mcm membazir je duit beli gadget ni semua....but now I'm in love dgn 'tabby'. thanks jugak sebab pilihkan cover wane pink :)

p/s continue main Angry Birds version Rio :)


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