Cameron Getaway

with my bos yang kecik aje , Ms Danielle, Joo Khim, Hijaz & my Abi ~ Farih

at Lata Iskandar with Husna & Raja Nur Maryam

The girls at our apartment

the boys , Jacky, Hijaz, Aneet, Kim, Abi ~ Farih, Joo Khim, Jane's Husband & Phontip Husband.
The Place
On the way Back to Penang
The Ring with Flower
Smell the roses
Raja Nur Maryam, Yu Jin Jang, Me & Husna
The Roses
The Roses
The Place
The Couple
The 'Storeberi'
The Ring with Flowers
Again & Again
Me with Sunflower

Again & Again!!!

This one might be the longest post that I ever made. As this is my first time ever went to Cameron Highlands. Our trip start at 5.30am, as we have to gather 5 cars with 24 peoples in the journey. We gather at Dell and after that head to Sg Perak for breakfast before continue to Simpang Pulai then straight away to Cameron. Our 1st visit is at Bharat Tea Shop around 10am, after that visit Bee Farm before check in at Park Land Hotel and had our lunch at Brichang area. I’m lucky because Farih know very well the Cameron area, we went to most place, Tanah Rata, Ringlet, all the tea plantation, Strawberry Plantation and the most part I enjoy is shopping. But I got reminder from Farih that I can shop more in their night market, because we can bargain. You can find very cheap strawberry there, lagi lambat datang lagi murah harga dia, imagine 1 box strawberry yg besar tu diorang bleh jual 6 kotak RM20, kalau dah masuk malam sikit, siap satu tray RM15, kami beli berkotak2, tapi tak sempat balik penang semua dah habis di makan kat hotel. yang paling I gilakan mestilah bunga-bunga segar, siap bwk balik ros biru, putih, oren, pink & merah, 3 jambak RM10 je. tapi ros biru mahal sikit dari warna yang lain tu. Sayur-sayuran memag murah, 10 bungkus RM10, mane nak dapat kat Tesco harga mcm tu kan? After shopping at the pasar malam, then we have to prepare the food for BBQ and games. The games was fun and the people so sporting. lepas kenyang...ape lagi aktiviti tidur la...hehehe, tidur pun lambat sebab kenyang sgt, tapi yang best sgt kat Cameron cuaca dia la..sejuk, lagi-lagi sekarang ni musim hujan. part yang best skali part bangun tidur pagi tu...memang best la, sebab pukul 7 masih lagi kabus, then bila bercakap tu mulut berasap-asap, lagi mase malam time BBQ tu. Esoknya lepas jam 4 petang baru pulang ke Penang, siap sempat singgah ke Lata Iskandar & Kuala kangsar sebelum sampai Penang. lepas penat jalan, kami singgah ke urut kaki refleksologi, memang ringan je kaki, lps tu boleh lompat-lompat and bergambar-gambar lagi. Sesungguhnya Team Building yang di taja oleh Dell ni memang berbaloi, bermula dari detik tu lah I dengan my team mate I bleh berbaik2 dengan Thailand & Korea staff. Actually my department ada 3 orang je, then ada banyak segment and region thats why nampak ramai je. My bos yang kecik tu, Danielle memang I salute la sebab dia boleh handle ramai orang dengan bermacam-macam pe'el. Ape pun Im waiting for next team building Q4 :)

sape-sape yang nk bercuti memang i recommend Cameron utk korang, selain murah & boleh tengok tempat yang cantik-cantik, cuaca sejuk, memang berbaloilah...


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