Berjuta Rindu

How much I missed blogging! Finally, I got chance to update my blog. February was an amazing month! I have moving to pursue new career development and guess what I moving to KL after 8 years plus stay in Penang. Thank you to everyone for the opportunity given! Adjusting the new environment, new friends, of course new field and for sure new work load is just so wonderful. But pity to my fiance as him have to be far from me, but it look on the bright way, the love between us is growing! We start to use WeChat, exchange photo, crying over the phone (I la yg menangis tu!) Yang penting, most every week I balik Johor, my mum excited, sbb I selalu balik. My routine now, kalau tak balik Johor, I pegi Penang. Counting the days for Mr Fiance datang KL pulak minggu ni.. :)